Jadera harrisi (Göllner-Scheiding 1979)

J. harrisi specimen. Berlin Museum.
Range: Bolivia, Brazil
Physical description: About 9 to 11 mm in length. Light brown or ochre dorsal side with reddish orange head and light brown membrane. Scutellum is brownish orange. Ventral side is reddish. Appendages are ochre in color.
May resemble: J. coturnix (spotting of the corium more coarse; extremities are
brown instead of ochre) and J. similaris (dense irregular spots on wings; extremities are brown instead of ochre)
J. harrisi has been found in Bolivia, but the exact locations of where it was collected are not known. Our range estimate for this species is especially limited because we do not know what host plant it uses and have only one recorded collection point.
Red markers = locations of collection sites
Blue region(s) of land = inferred range
3/4 inch = 1000 miles
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