Scott Carroll

Scott is the director of the Institute for Contemporary Evolution, which observes and experiments with patterns of ongoing evolution in wild and anthropogenic environments. He has spent decades studying such patterns in soapberry bugs and is our resident soapberry bug expert.
Trevor Fowles
Trevor is a scientist and artist interested in the life lessons revealed by plant-insect interactions. He has developed educational materials for Soapberry Bugs of the World including:
- A 10-minute animated video on the evolution of biological diversity
- A short piece on how Taiwanese Goldenrain trees were introduced to North America in the 20th century
- An interactive map tools to show soapberry bug and host plant geographic ranges in the US
- Bug identification guide
- Rearing guide
- Posters of the major soapberry bug species of the world
Trevor's research focuses on puzzles of diversification in North American Boxelder bugs on their native and introduced host trees. When not focused on bugs, he loves short walks on long tangents, free time in nature, and second breakfasts. Trevor is your man if you have suggestions for Bug of the Month images.
Crystal Perreira
Crystal developed the content for She also assists with soapberry bug research at the Institute for Contemporary Evolution.