- Dr. Ursula Göllner-Scheiding
- Dr. Carl Schaefer
- Dr. Gordon Gross
- Dr. Scott Carroll
- Dr. Jenella Loye
- Crystal Perreira
- Dr. Hugh Dingle
- Dr. Seiji Tanaka
- Dr. Paula Mitchell
- Dr. Antonio Panizzi
- Dr. Jeffrey Aldrich
Dr. Ursula Göllner-Scheiding

Ursula Göllner-Scheiding is Emeritus Curator of Entomology at the Museum für Naturkunde Berlin. She has made many important contributions to insect taxonomy, and these include the most comprehensive treatments of the soapberry bugs. Her detailed descriptions of African and New World species as well as her 1983 catalog of all rhopalid species are crucial to our understanding of soapberry bug taxonomy and serve as the foundation for all subsequent work.
Dr. Carl Schaefer

Carl Schaefer is a professor emeritus at the Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology of the University of Connecticut. He studies true bug systematics, morphology, and evolution. He has contributed to our knowledge of the soapberry bugs for 50 years, including seminal work on the biogeography and classification of the boxelder bugs in North America. He has described and provided accounts of a number of soapberry bugs. He also initiated the analysis of soapberry bug host plant associations and has assessed their economic importance. He recently studied the biology of South American Jadera choprai on the host plant Cardiospermum halicacabum.
Dr. Gordon Gross
Gordon Gross was an Australian heteropterist who worked at the South Australian Museum in Adelaide. One of his many substantial works, "A revision of the genus Leptocoris from the Indo-Pacific and Australian regions", proved to be integral to our knowledge of soapberry bugs in Asia and Oceania.
Dr. Scott Carroll

Scott Carroll is an evolutionary ecologist affiliated with the University of California, Davis and the University of Queensland. He is Director of the Institute for Contemporary Evolution, which observes and experiments with patterns of ongoing evolution in wild and anthropogenic environments. He studies the specialization of Jadera species on sapinds and Australian Leptocoris species on invasive balloon vine, with his wife, Dr. Jenella Loye.
Dr. Jenella Loye

Jenella Loye is a medical entomologist who specializes in the biology of blood-feeding arthropods and has written extensively in the field of public health and environmental entomology. She has also done much research in the field of evolutionary ecology. She studies the specialization of Jadera species on sapinds and Australian Leptocoris species on invasive balloon vine, with her husband, Dr. Scott Carroll.
Crystal Perreira

Crystal Perreira is the content developer of soapberrybug.org and has assisted with research at the Institute for Contemporary Evolution. She has studied soapberry bug development and has helped identify soapberry bugs from numerous museum collections across the globe. She is currently working on describing a new Leptocoris species.
Dr. Hugh Dingle

Hugh Dingle is a professor emeritus at the University of California, Davis Department of Entomology. He is a world leader in the study of migration and life histories, insect behavior, and quantitative genetics. He has worked with Scott Carroll to study American and Australian soapberry bugs.
Dr. Seiji Tanaka

Seiji Tanaka is an entomologist who works at the National Institute of Agrobiological Sciences in Ohwashi, Japan. He has worked at the USDA Forest Research Institute and the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute in Panama. He studies the seasonal adaptations of insects, diapause, and biogeography. While in Panama, he investigated dormancy and aggregation in Jadera obscura.
Dr. Paula Mitchell

Paula Mitchell is a professor at Winthrop University in South Carolina. She is also secretary of the International Heteropterists' Society and a member of the Board of Directors of the South Carolina Entomological Society. She studies insect-plant interactions, specifically the feeding behavior and integrated pest management of coreid and pentatomid bugs.
Dr. Antonio Panizzi

Antonio Panizzi is a research entomologist at the National Soybean Research Center of Embrapa, Londrina, Paraná, Brazil. He also teaches a course on Insect Nutritional Ecology at Paraná State University in Londrina and at the Federal University of Paraná. He researches the interactions of heteropterans with their host plants and the management of pest species on soybeans. He has studied the feeding and oviposition behaviors of Jadera choprai.
Dr. Jeffrey Aldrich

Jeffrey Aldrich is a research entomolgist at the USDA's Invasive Insect Biocontrol and Behavior Laboratory. He researches insect chemical signals and pest management. He has studied the exocrine secretions of serinethines and potential biochemical explanations for their host specificity on toxic plants.