Sapindus mukorossi
Common name: Chinese Soapberry
Native distribution: China, Japan, Korea, Taiwan, Bhutan, India, Nepal, Cambodia, Myanmar, Thailand, and Vietnam
Known to host: Jadera haematoloma
Sapindus oahuensis
Common name: Hawaii Soapberry
Native distribution: Hawaii
Known to host: Jadera haematoloma
Sapindus saponaria

S. saponaria fruits and foliage
Common name: Western Soapberry
Native distribution: United States
Known to host: Boisea rubrolineata, Boisea trivittata, and Jadera haematoloma
Sapindus trifoliatus
Common names: Soapnut or Reetha
Native distribution: India, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka
Known to host: Boisea coimbatorensis